The Principle of Self-Determination: A Fundamental Right and Its Contemporary Relevance

1. Introduction Self Determination Meaning: The principle of self-determination is a fundamental tenet of international law and political philosophy that grants people the right to determine their political, economic, social, and cultural future without external interference. It has played a crucial role in shaping modern history, particularly in decolonization, national independence movements, and ongoing geopolitical […]

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The Principle of Non-Discrimination and Human Rights: A Comprehensive Analysis

1. Introduction: Non-Discrimination The principle of non discrimination is a cornerstone of human rights law and a fundamental pillar of human dignity. It asserts that all individuals are entitled to equal treatment and protection under the law, regardless of their race, gender, religion, nationality, or any other characteristic. Non-discrimination is not just a legal obligation

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The Responsibility to Protect (R2P): A Pillar of Human Rights in the Modern World

1. Introduction The Responsibility to Protect (R2P) is a global political commitment that emerged in the early 21st century to address the most severe violations of human rights, such as genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing, and crimes against humanity. It represents a significant shift in international relations, emphasizing that sovereignty of the State is not

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Proportional Representation Method and Democracy: A Comprehensive Analysis

In democratic governance, the method used to elect representatives plays a crucial role in shaping political outcomes. Proportional representation (PR) is one such method designed to ensure that political parties or candidates receive seats in proportion to the votes they receive. This system contrasts with majoritarian and plurality voting systems, where the winner takes all,

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Citizenship In India: Exploration of Constitutional Provisions, Citizenship Laws, CAA NRC, and Contemporary Debates

Citizenship is one of the most fundamental concepts in modern society. It defines who belongs to a nation, what rights and responsibilities they have, and how they participate in the political and social life of their country. Yet, citizenship is not a static idea—it has evolved over centuries, shaped by historical events, philosophical debates, and

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The Concept of Citizenship: A Comprehensive Exploration of Its History, Theories, and Contemporary Debates

The concept of citizenship is one of the most fundamental concepts in modern society. It defines who belongs to a nation, what rights and responsibilities they have, and how they participate in the political and social life of their country. Yet, citizenship is not a static idea—it has evolved over centuries, shaped by historical events,

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The Future of Online Political Activism: Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities

Introduction The future of online political activism is an evolving landscape shaped by digital advancements, social movements, and government regulations. In an era where social media, artificial intelligence (AI), and blockchain technology redefine political engagement, activists must adapt to new tools and challenges. From the Arab Spring to the #MeToo movement, digital activism has played

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The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC): A Beacon of Humanity in Times of Crisis for 160 years

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC): A Beacon of Humanity in Times of Crisis for 160 years The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is one of the most respected and impactful humanitarian organizations in the world. Known for its unwavering commitment to alleviating human suffering during armed conflicts and other emergencies,

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What is Human Dignity? The Essence of Human Rights

Human Dignity: The Essence of Human Rights Human rights are the inalienable rights and freedoms to which every individual is entitled. These rights, which are recognized universally, encompass civil, political, economic, social, and cultural rights. They serve as safeguards against oppression, ensuring that individuals can live with dignity, equality, and justice. Human dignity stands as

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The United Nations and Human Rights: An In-Depth Look at the UN Charter Provisions in Pursuit of Global Justice

UN Charter The United Nations (UN) is a cornerstone of global governance, established in 1945 to prevent the recurrence of the atrocities witnessed during World War II and to promote international peace, security, and cooperation. Central to its mission is the promotion and protection of human rights, which are enshrined in its founding Charter and

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